Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nike Air Mag being auctioned on eBay

 The article is about Nike releasing the Nike mag. You might remember them from Back to the Future. They dont auto lace like in the movie. Only 1,500 were made and were also being auctioned off on eBay. Proceeds will go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Disease Research. They kept it looking sort of similar to the original from the movie with lights on them. 
I thought it was cool for them to make those shoes because they look good in the movie and once I saw them I knew I wanted ones. We all want shoes that tie by themselfs but these cant. Atleast you could show them off. It be worth having some.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The internet of things

What it means to me is that its a website where you can see anything you want but that are things you use all the time.It would be ok because it would help people find things where ever they are. If you loose something youll be able to locate where it is, even if its stolen. It would also be bad because some things should be left where ever it is and people would be able to locate your stuff. If a friend borrows your stuff you could keep a check on it and take care of it through  your computer. I am for it because anyone can save some time by using it to look for their things on the internet and where ever you are using your phone.