Friday, May 25, 2012

First week of high school

     The first week i came into high school i was nervous and sort of scared even though it was small. I knew where all my classes were at. The first day was weird and i was confused. I started to get more comfortable as the week went by. I started to get to know the teachers and  i had my favorite class which was P.E.  On the first day i got screamed at by the principle, got detention for not having my shirt tucked in but got excused since it was the first day of school. I started to notice that it was a smaller school than i thought, and they didnt let us out for the whole day, we needed fresh air.It was the cleanest school i ever went to.  The  first week went by fast and the yea felt even longer but before you knew it, it was the end. It was a cool year. Now that im gonna graduate, i feel ready for college but im gonna miss the kick back high school life.