Friday, January 27, 2012


  The presentation from wednesday was really good. The dude was persuasive  and got my attention. Most of the things he said i didnt know about and the new things he told us was surprising. The thing about cancer and that the medicine they use to try and treat it is also cancer, was scary and stupid because i dont know why they would want to kill us even more. We put our trust in doctors and scientists to come up with cures and all they care about is money..why are there even doctors. Thats why i never trust them. They can keep their medicine, im good. Im sticking with fruits! Then he said you dont need medicine, that you can prevent it, thats what i wanted to hear. That you can by just eating fruits and vegetables. I always do but he made me wanna eat fruit all the time. Milk is bad, i never knew that until he said it, i thought that was craazy, cuz we need milk i drink that everyday. Guess im still gonna drink it cuz that s... good.. when its chocolate milk. The last thing that suprised me was the protein shakes, i drink that. He said that its filled with chemicals and when your older your gonna feel the effects of it. I belive that cuz they put alot of things you dont know about in it. The whole presentation made me realize how important nutrition is for you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

 One day there was a big fat dog. That went a hot dog stand and ate the man that cooked his mom. The dog started eating all humans who ate hotdogs, that cleared out most of the human population. The dog started taking over the world and made other dogs be in his clan but the ones who denied him would go to a doggy jail which was the most horrifying place a dog would want to be because its the type of place where no one would l;ike to be.Therefore proceeding with all this evil madness he met a girl in costa rica that would always provocke him so he wouldnt kill her people so the dog didnt listen to her because he didnt htink she was a real dog which was obviouse that she was but yea,, so they met again wen he as about to explode her town seh went and kissed him and the dog had real feelings and got married. At first the guy dog was feeling wierd because he never had a feeling for someone. So the guy said to the clan that he was going to split from the clan because he already a girl dog whom to hang out with so he stopped

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Winter Break

 One high about my winter break is when i went to Las Vegas for New Years. I spent time with  family going to eat or see what was new. On New Years i went walking around with family on the strip and waiting for the count down to 2012. There were also some concerts all around, i just saw one, after that i went back to my uncles cause they were having a party. One low was when i got sick for 2 days and couldnt do anything.

  My goal for the rest of the school year is for me to do my best in every class since its my last year here and so i can graduate.  Its important because if  you dont pass a class you wont be able to graduate. The only way i can acheive it is by putting more effort into it and taking my classes more seriously.

  There isnt a lot of good things about coming back to school cause i'd rather be on break. The good thing is that this is my last year here and that this years more shorter so its gunna feel like its goin by fast.