Friday, February 17, 2012


  The technology of computers has advanced in ways that they have become part of our lives. The first computer came out probably around 40-50 years ago. As the time passed people started to reinvent it and make it more advanced. There were companies that made computers but never really sold it to everyone and just made them company type of computers. They were small, black and white, and pretty much couldn't do a lot of things...until guys like Steve Jobs and his partner Steve Wozniak started realizing that the public was ignored in computer business. They came up with ideas and in no time invented a program and a better computer for everyday people. They became a top company. Bill Gates also contributed with Microsoft and all his other programs he created. Both groups invested more and more with others and as time passed computers changed from small worthless screens to bigger computers with programs that made peoples lives easier. The future computers for me will be touch screen like some are now. The keyboard will be projected anywhere and you can use from where ever it is. They will be smaller, thinner and with more color. some will probably be flexible and bendable. Maybe even 3D since a lot of things are becoming 3D, there not staying behind.

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