Thursday, February 23, 2012

Google Glasses

  Google came up with glasses called Google Heads-Up Display, that can work like an android phone. They finished the first prototype and will start releasing them by the end of the year. They will be selling them to the public for $250-$600. Rumors started coming out as soon as Google was finishing up the prototype back in December. The glasses will be able to tap into Google's cloud based location services ans details about the users surroundings and it will appear in an augmented reality computer display. They will also have a 3G to a 4G data connection with motion and GPS sensors. It'll also include Google software like Google Latitude, Google Goggles, and Google Maps. There planning on letting anyone who wants to, to join in on the project instead of just leaving it to businesses.


  1. I heard that Google glasses have been out for a while. Thats a cool:D

  2. WOW that is so interesting well there are too expensive so let's see when they are cheaper so we can buy them
